RADIKAAL is a DIY podcast about the radical aspects of music, politics, and sports. Each episode, host Cas Mudde interviews one guest about a specific topic for about 30 minutes. Guests include academics, athletes, journalists, musicians, and politicians. In short, this is a podcast about fascists, punks, and ultras.
SES 8. Giulia Sandri on the 2022 Italian Elections
Season 3
Episode 0
My guest today, for this eight episode in the Special Election Series, is Giulia Sandri. Giulia is an Associate Professor of Political Science at ESPOL at the Catholic University of Lille in France. Her main research interests are digital politics, comparative politics, quality of democracy and political behavior. She has also written extensively on Italian electoral and party politics. Notably, she co-edited the special issue “Politics in Italy 2022: The Year of Mario Draghi” for the journal Contemporary Italian Politics. Today, we will discuss the context, results, and consequences of the Italian parliamentary elections that were held on September 25. You can follow Giulia Sandri on Twitter at @SandriGiulia.